My first introduction to Surround Sound was in a large empty family room except for speakers on portable stands strategically located around the room to assure maximum effectiveness. Not as elaborate as the picture above but quite adequate for the time!
The phenomenon feature about surround sound is the ability to drive through the room on a roaring motorcycle or jet planes flying through; from the initial sound at a distance behind or side, increasing in volume (and sympathetic vibration) as nearer the arrival and then a WHOOSH! overhead and through with sound diminishing as the ‘traveler’ exits the room! Thrills and Chills to satisfy most and astound others!
Imagine sitting on a couch inside the circle of speakers, your host lying in the center of the room on the floor and Top Gun begins…..??? Incoming Jet Planes have that awesome capability of attracting all your senses in a fantastic speed apparently trying to match the supersonic capability and Sonic Boom that we adore—-then Whoom and they are above us and speeding away into the closet–did I say closet? Oh yes, we are still in the Family Room! Top Gun and perhaps Top Gun Maverik are excellent ways to enjoy Surround Sound. I have a couple of other incidents to share; one nature and one creative marketing move.
I am in Orange, CA, Orange County, CA in the Doubletree Hotel enjoying breakfast before going on to my host manufacturing facility for the day consulting; suddenly it sounds like a train coming down the main avenue serving the Doubletree getting louder and now vibration on the table top causing water to spill over the top of glasses! Then sudden silence and again Big Trucks and Railroad Trains closing in–I seem to be the only one in the cafe who does not understand what is going on as the others are hurriedly getting up and leaving? I glance up and the main building beam over the cafe area is swaying! Earthquake!! I am still quite confused as my next move seems to be securing my briefcase from my room but I am stopped by wise responders who are assuring no one is on the elevator during such and episode! Now there is quiet and serenity; since I seem so intent on getting my brief case I am asked if I would like to test the elevator? Be the first successful restart of the normal operation. Yes! I secure my brief case and am not yet conscious until I arrive my destination and wonder what obsessed me to perform these seemingly stupid acts?
One of my best friends supervised a very aggressive salesman for vehicle radios and had a great idea to introduce high quality audio for farm tractors and other motorizes agricultural support vehicles. OK; efforts are made, contacts nurtured and permission is given to present same at a national sales meeting for a major implement dealer. Night before action the Vice President of said organization called and apologized he misspoke and vendors not allowed to ‘sell’ at such meetings. Reaction–will you introduce the product if we set up an anonymous ‘feature’ demonstration? Yes.
Two large empty refrigerator boxes, some brown speaker cloth, a couple of tripod stands, two selected radios, and support speakers, etc. The sales meeting is brought to order and opening speeches start from the VP; suddenly trucks are rolling through the meeting hall on the loft above the seating area, then a train with whistle, then jet planes roaring and the audience is captured. The VP is clever and quick: wouldn’t you love that kind of Audio in your Tractor Cab? Resounding Yes! The curtains open and the VP directs attention to the display–two large refrigerator boxes painted like speakers! Awww! crowd displeasure. Then my friend and salesman each from their end tip over the boxes and there are the two small ‘smart’ radios and the VP roars out–Would you pay $429 for yours? They sold every attendee a radio set by the Ag Org and secured an ongoing contract for Ag Cab audio! Imagination, courage, Persistence! Still unknown is where that price came from? It was adequate and acceptable to all!