Dick Tracy Showed Them The Way 1940’s 1950’s
September 9, 2023

How to imagine that the famous comic book detective Dick Tracy with his two-way radio watch fantasy could become a reality with space age capabilities including instant communications around the world!  Talk, Time, GPS, Calculations, Face Time,………………………where does it lead and is there possibly a summit of accomplishment that they, the users, will deem complete?  I say no, after all in the 1930’s the Federal Office for Patents and Copyrights suggested to congress that the office be closed as ‘all possible inventions have already been filed’!  (Please excuse me if I have the dates wrong as I write from memory).  Today the patent office is more busy than ever and the mind of man and ideas spawned grow, are nurtured, and breed more and complex ideas and inventions.

The Buck Rogers series of space travel filled our imaginations with wonder, wanderlust, and new ideas about life and the possibilities to mentally grow and show they who were nay sayers that boundaries are really only a challenge to exercise mind over matter and continue on.  The generation from the 1900’s, 1910’s, through the 1940’s are my invisible mentors–someone forgot to tell this generation that there were limits to what is possible, what can be done, and to not take unlimited risk; they who forgot to instill this ‘wisdom’ contributed to a whole generation who simply went out and did what their imagination or inclination was for the lifestyle they wanted to live.  I will always remember a political pundit who was generally a gang of one who like Frank Sinatra sang “I did it my way” became his mantra.  He not only held office for several decades in a small town and county, he was a Justice of the Peace and was deep in real estate; when I asked him why so many areas of involvement, he replied it was his way of enjoying a lifestyle that required more income than the average!

Back to Buck Rogers–we fantasized (including the Jetsons TV series) about flying cars that could escape vertically from traffic problems and whisk away to our destination–now we have JOBY who has prototype vertical take off and landing personal aircraft that are comfortable on the ground and in the air, within a couple of years I think we will see these vehicles at airports especially and in all congested cities where tycoons need better translational transportation to achieve their tightening schedules and keeping the Time Value of Money flowing efficiently.  Already we can book space flights experiencing weightlessness and aerial views that astound us in the pictures and first hand always look grander.

So, they who help them who aspire to greater heights and are ambitious with high energy are to be congratulated for their continued interest in exploring, developing, and marketing all the electronic and mobile technological advancements that always excite us and stir our thoughts into imaginative treks!