A Docile River Cutting Through Western Mountains

A Docile River Cutting Through Western Mountains

Traveling west from Billings, MT on our way to Bend, Oregon to attend a week long wedding ceremony for a nephew and his lovely Fiancé.  I 90 is our chosen fast highway for the long journey driving our 40 foot long motorized RV lovingly named Old Blue--old it is but...

How Can You Make Your Travel Easier?

How Can You Make Your Travel Easier?

Imagine you are planning a trip. What are some of the things you need to do in order to make travel easier? Depending on your destination, there are different ways to make travel easier. If you are traveling outside of the States, you will need a passport and visa. A...



RV for me! Recreational Vehicle that is. My wife and I have experienced them all and just now we are towing what is called a Bumper Pull Travel Trailer; our final destination Mesa, AZ for winter 2022-2023. We will experience Rapid City, SD; Sioux Falls, SD; Newton,...

Treasures Abound for They Who Search

Treasures Abound for They Who Search

Stories of treasure and trivia behind hidden doors abound and I have actually created one in my basement to hide the boiler, how water heater, water meter, and electrical box from my well appointed Man Cave! First I must relate a Texas Tale from a lady who was...

Preparing for Your Next Trip

Preparing for Your Next Trip

Pausing to think about what you need while on vacation can often be difficult and stressful. This is especially true when it comes to international travel. However, by being prepared and packing a few key items, you can make your trip much smoother and less stressful....

How to Find the Best Travel Insurance

How to Find the Best Travel Insurance

Booking travel always comes with some level of risk. There's always a chance your flight could be delayed or canceled, your bags could get lost, or you could get sick or injured while on your trip. That's where travel insurance comes in. A good travel insurance policy...

Tips for Traveling on Budget

Tips for Traveling on Budget

Do you wish to travel but feel like it's too expensive? Or are you simply looking to save money on your next trip? If so, then read on for some top tips on how to travel on a budget. Plan Ahead This may seem obvious, but by planning your trip, you can often save...

How Traveling Positively Effects Our Health

How Traveling Positively Effects Our Health

Traveling is sometimes the best medicine. It keeps us active and engaged, helps us meet new people and experience new things, and exposes us to different cultures and lifestyles. All of these things have been proven to have positive effects on our physical and mental...

Launching from Cape Canaveral

Launching from Cape Canaveral

Launching From Cape Canaveral, Kennedy Space Station Out of the past comes the Thundering of another outer space launch! (Those of us older will remember also the radio announcing: Out of the past come the thundering hooves of the Great Horse Silver! The Lone Ranger...