

My first introduction to Surround Sound was in a large empty family room except for speakers on portable stands strategically located around the room to assure maximum effectiveness. Not as elaborate as the picture above but quite adequate for the time! The phenomenon...

Benefits and Uses of Electronic Gadgets in Learning

Benefits and Uses of Electronic Gadgets in Learning

In the age of technology, electronic gadgets are becoming more and more commonplace in society. Many people use them for various purposes, such as keeping in touch with friends and family, storing data, and even for work or school. But what about using them for...

Helpful Tips for Choosing the Best Electronic Gadgets

Helpful Tips for Choosing the Best Electronic Gadgets

The use of electronic gadgets is becoming more and more popular in today's society. With technological advances, electronic gadgets are becoming more sophisticated and are able to perform many tasks. However, with the vast array of choices available, it can be...

How to Extend the Lifetime of Electronic Devices

How to Extend the Lifetime of Electronic Devices

In recent years, the average lifespan of electronic devices has been on the decline. One of the main reasons for this is that manufacturers are releasing new models more frequently than ever before. While this can be great for consumers who want the latest and...

Dick Tracy Showed Them The Way 1940’s 1950’s

Dick Tracy Showed Them The Way 1940’s 1950’s

How to imagine that the famous comic book detective Dick Tracy with his two-way radio watch fantasy could become a reality with space age capabilities including instant communications around the world!  Talk, Time, GPS, Calculations, Face...

Top Benefits of Using Electronic Devices

Top Benefits of Using Electronic Devices

Electronic devices play an important role in human life. They have made our lives easier and more convenient. We can use them for various purposes such as communication, entertainment, education, and so on. Let's take a look at some of the advantages of electronic...

Potential Health Hazards of Electronic Devices for Kids

Potential Health Hazards of Electronic Devices for Kids

We are raising a new generation of kids who are growing up with electronic devices. While these devices can offer many educational and entertaining benefits, there are also potential health hazards that parents need to be aware of. Some of the potential health hazards...