October 25, 2023

I think today’s picture may be the most elaborate shopping center central foyer in my limited shopping mall experience! Such grandeur awakens my thoughts to pricing, how is such extravagance paid? Perhaps when the daily and monthly cost of the extra cost of creation is spread across each sale during the day and month it becomes difficult to access? I suppose that an extra $1million spread over one million sales is just a$1 per sale but the initial cost over several months/years may only be 10 cents per sale–affordable and notable for a really grand shopping experience! I decide to vote for a bit of extravagance when viewed as investment for many years, miniscule cost per sale to the buyer makes pleasantry affordable!

Our lifestyle finds us touring many parts of our fine country for business and pleasure–alarm bells ring as we observe many shop closures to include complete malls. On Line shopping has taken root and may be here to stay, less local travel, less congestion, less local pollution and it seems people are getting a real ‘rush’ out of completing the sale from the comfort of home. I have a niece who does all her shopping on-line and comments about the thrill of the buy! A satisfying transaction with the screen instead of person to person with a real live transaction and pleasantries; but then I observe many personal transactions that are not friendly, sometimes abrasive, unhappy clerks, intimidated buyers or clients, and generally a hostile atmosphere doing the business of buying and selling. Hmm…, makes one wonder about the total dynamics of on-line popularity. Covid 19 assisted the transaction to more on-line transactions but it started well before those days. Taking all the elements into account including more local transport costs, closures of stores cost, and generous return terms and it seems to me the end result is now higher prices for many goods–yes, I should not generalize so carelessly but overall prices are going up with the stats finally admitting 18% higher food costs than at this time a year ago. but I digress from Back to School!

2023 is really showcasing really stunning and fun looking stuff for the new school year. I hope you get something cute and remarkable to remember this as the next “Special ‘Year” in your slow march through the grades and advanced education. Get all the education you can, this is one of the few things in life that cannot be taken from you and that will enhance whatever course your future holds, ah to be an observer of all the greatness to come.

Wishing you all the best from