Ever have to make a plan and then successfully fulfill your plans?
It’s all about the details and the expertise of many to initiate and cathect all the answers!
Oh, what is cathect? It means to happen or cause to happen, all of the many words and phrases we conjure up to explain how the mission or goal will be reached–all in one word? Yes!
I am prone to ‘clipped’ sentences, statements, requests, directions………..thinking it efficient and straight forward; no looping but straight to the heart of the matter. More often I am mis-understood, mis-quoted and generally disappointed in the results of my efforts to not distract nor take too much of someone else’s time? So, I now take criticism and suggestions more honestly and without hostility in my dealings daily; taking time for random and unexpected acts of kindness, etc………….
But I digress. Planning prevents poor performance and more importantly Prior Planning Prevents really Poor Performance. If you cannot afford the help of experts licensed and accredited then always have good resource literature and books to be sure you are not creating a booby trap because of unknown needs and permit requirements? Now I am lecturing. Comes from hard knocks and common sense experience; HK, CS; I have a friend with that on his business card!
I will be adding comments as the mood attacks me and am interested in any comments or concerns you may have as well. Adios!