As a gardener, you may go overboard with the tools you need for your gardening projects. They may be costly and also take up lots of space. While not all tools are necessary, there are some essential tools you need to have:
Having gardening as a hobby is a beautiful experience. That said, it can also be a painful experience if safety measures are not put in place. This is why having the right pair of gloves is essential.
The gloves you buy must be durable and not too bulky. The less-bulky gloves will help if you’re working with seeds or transplanting them. They should be a good fit for your hands to avoid blisters or slipping off.
Aside from being water-resistant, your gloves should also be breathable. Store your gloves in a cool, dry place.
These long-handled pruners can cut thicker branches in small areas that are hard to reach. The best loopers to go for are bypass loppers. They are more precise than anvil loppers.
Lightweight aluminum or carbon-composite handles are a little bit lighter. To get the best looper, you need to know what you’ll be cutting.
You’ll also need to know how far you’ll need to stretch to get the right length. Loopers need to be sharpened regularly to keep them in good condition.
Also known as hand pruners, this tool can be used to control plants getting out of control. These pruners are flexible and can easily fit in the palm of your hand. Like loopers, some of these pruners include anvil-style pruners and bypass pruners.
Anvil pruners are mostly recommended for deadwood, while bypass pruners can be used for live plants and greenwood.
Garden fork
Garden forks are more efficient than spades. They can easily dig into dense soils, and they can also be used for earth-turning. For example, garden forks with slight curves around the spines can turn compost piles or scooping mulch.
Forks with straight tines are suitable for digging in rocky, compacted, or clay soil. Square tines are even stronger as they don’t bend easily when they hit a rock or any difficult obstacle.
Garden hose
As you know, water is the lifeline of every garden. To ensure the efficient growth of your plants, you need to have a hose that can reach and spray every area.
Having an adjustable nozzle will also put you in control of the water pressure and its spray radius. At the end of every spraying operation, keep your hoses coiled up and directed away from sunlight.
There are lots of gardening tools in the market today. These tools were created to tend to the needs of every gardener. Some of these tools are pretty expensive, while others require ample storage space.
If you know you lack the funds for a new tool or have insufficient storage space, you could stick to the basics. These essential tools will achieve your gardening goals to a certain extent.